
Drop us a line or give us a ring. We'd love to hear from you and are happy to answer any questions.

Instructed training

All of our training is available to be taught face to face in a classroom.

With the exception of the Drone Investigation, all training can also be delivered remotely, with a live feed from the instructor directly to your desktop. We are able to provide the same engaging, instructor-led training that our classroom sessions are renowned for – direct to your screen.

What’s more, we are passing on the savings from training without a classroom venue directly onto you!






Drop us a line or give us a ring. We'd love to hear from you and are happy to answer any questions.

ADF Certified Digital
Evidence Investigator Pro

The class is self paced. Learners typically take approximately 18 hours to successfully complete the exercises and the final certification exam.  


ADF Solutions digital forensic experts designed the Digital Evidence Investigator PRO (DEI PRO) Certified User training to equip both technical and non-technical investigators with the knowledge and skills they need to use DEI PRO.  Users can then immediately extract conclusive intelligence and evidence from mobile devices, computers, and digital media. The class is self-paced. Delegates typically take approximately 18 hours to successfully complete the exercises and the final certification assessment.

Learn how to collect digital evidence beginning on-scene or in the lab. Delegates will learn how to configure Digital Evidence Investigator PRO, operate the digital forensic software, analyse and interpret the evidence and forensic results, and finish with a comprehensive report. This training contains a combination of lectures, videos, hands-on exercises, knowledge checks, and tests.


Digital Evidence Investigator

  • Introductions and getting started with Digital Evidence Investigator (DEI)
  • Triage and field use cases
  • Preserving digital evidence and the boot process
  • Installation and preparing a collection key
  • Introduction to the DEI PRO user interface
  • Using a collection key to extract digital evidence
  • Case Study 1: Child Exploitation – Quick Scan
  • Case Study 2: Child Exploitation – Targeted Folders
  • Case Study 3: Internet Scam
  • Case Study 4: Suspected Terrorism
  • Case Study 5: Search Profile Lab
  • File identification
  • Advanced concepts
  • DEI final assessment

PRO Module: Mobile Device Investigator

  • Overview and terminology

  • Connecting a mobile device

  • Conducting a scan

    • Taking screenshots

    • Search profiles

    • Creating backups

  • Creating mobile search profiles
  • Analysing mobile evidence
  • PRO module final assessment

A passing grade is required to obtain the ADF Digital Evidence Investigator PRO Certified User Certificate. Delegates will be issued with a Digital Evidence Investigator Certified User Certificate and a Mobile Device Investigator Certified User Certificate. 

We pride ourselves on our ability to tailor any training to fit your needs, and we have experience in creating individualised programmes for a variety of audiences and organisations.

For details of availability and pricing, or to discuss the delivery of bespoke training for your organisation, please contact us at enquiries@bluelightsdigital.com.

Drop us a line or give us a ring. We'd love to hear from you and are happy to answer any questions.

Cellebrite Certified Logical
Operator & Physical Analyst

5 days
Cellebrite Certified

Cellebrite Certified Logical Operator & Physical Analyst​

This 5-day training comprises two days for Cellebrite Certified Logical Operator and three days for Cellebrite Certified Physical Analyser. It is designed for technically savvy investigators, digital evidence analysts, and forensic practitioners.

NOTE: It is strongly recommended that delegates attending this training complete the Cellebrite Mobile Forensics Fundamentals (CMFF) training or test out, as well as the Cellebrite Certified Operator (CCO) training prior to attending.



  • Introduction to CCLO
  • Mobile device overview
  • Mobile device trends
  • UFED4PC / Touch overview
  • Logical analysis and bookmarking
  • Reporting 


  • Introduction to CCPA
  • Media filesystems and encoding
  • Mobile device trends
  • Physical Analyser / Touch physical overview
  • Advanced searching
  • Verification and validation of findings
  • Reporting on findings
  • Plugin and chain management
  • Challenges of smart devices

We pride ourselves on our ability to tailor any training to fit your needs, and we have experience in creating individualised programmes for a variety of audiences and organisations.

For details of availability and pricing, or to discuss the delivery of bespoke training for your organisation, please contact us at enquiries@bluelightsdigital.com.

Drop us a line or give us a ring. We'd love to hear from you and are happy to answer any questions.

Chainalysis Reactor Certification (CRC)

2 days
Chainalysis Reactor Certification (CRC)

The Chainalysis Reactor Certification (CRC) credential provides practitioners with the knowledge and skills to analyse and trace transactions on the Bitcoin Blockchain. The training uses Reactor (the tool of choice for investigators, compliance officers, analysts, and regulators) and is provided in a small virtual or in-person classroom setting over TWO days.


  • Understand Bitcoin transaction fundamentals
  • Conduct transaction analysis and recognise key patterns
  • Trace the origin and destination of Bitcoin
  • Evaluate different categories of actors in the ecosystem
  • Apply techniques to identify services on the Bitcoin Blockchain
  • Leverage open source intelligence (OSINT)
  • Solve real-world case studies using a full spectrum of techniques
  • Learn how mixers operate and how to identify them
  • Understand the process of subpoena requests and responses

We pride ourselves on our ability to tailor any training to fit your needs, and we have experience in creating individualised programmes for a variety of audiences and organisations.

For details of availability and pricing, or to discuss the delivery of bespoke training for your organisation, please contact us at enquiries@bluelightsdigital.com.

Drop us a line or give us a ring. We'd love to hear from you and are happy to answer any questions.

Combined Data Analysis and Visualisation
to aid investigations and intelligence gathering

1 hour

Combined Data Analysis and Visualisation to aid investigations and intelligence gathering

An input designed to highlight the advantages of reviewing digital evidence from multiple sources in combination and using visual aids to unlock additional evidence and insights during investigations and intelligence collection.

During an investigation data can be obtained from many sources such as mobile phones, computers, home Wi-Fi routers, Internet-of-Things devices, vehicles, cryptocurrency transactions, open and closed Sources. When reviewing these sources in isolation, It can be difficult to assess how information from each links and relates to one another. To truly unlock digital evidence, technology needs to be utilised to review all the data in one place. This is where digital evidence review platforms can assist.

Digital review platforms bring with them the added benefit of data visualisation. Network relationship graphs, timelines of events, location heat maps and graphs summarising key insights offer the following:

    1. Visualisations often require little to no training to interpret. This can be key when trying to convey evidence to other investigators, senior staff or Court Room members. A picture paints a thousand words!
    2. Data is summarised and therefore is quicker to interpret and pass on to others. As a result, decisions and actions can be made more quickly and this improves the effectiveness of the whole investigation.


  • Understand that by examining multiple devices simultaneously, investigators can obtain a more comprehensive view of the overall digital landscape associated with an investigation.
  • Learn how analysing multiple devices in conjunction with one another enables investigators to cross-reference and corroborate evidence.
  • Understand how multiple devices used by individuals or connected within a network may reveal valuable information about relationships, associations, or interactions between various entities.
  • Recognise that analysing multiple devices concurrently can aid in recovering deleted or altered data. Information that may be missing or manipulated on one device, might still exist on another.
  • Understand that analysing multiple devices allows investigators to understand the broader context of the case.
  • Learn how Digital Review platforms enable teams to collaborate on investigations with staff members reviewing and having access to multiple data sources.

We pride ourselves on our ability to tailor any training to fit your needs, and we have experience in creating individualised programmes for a variety of audiences and organisations.

For details of availability and pricing, or to discuss the delivery of bespoke training for your organisation, please contact us at enquiries@bluelightsdigital.com.

Drop us a line or give us a ring. We'd love to hear from you and are happy to answer any questions.

Communications Data Acquisition & Interpretation

2 days
CPD Accredited

For investigators who seek to acquire, cleanse, and interpret cell site and internet communications data.

In a physical and digital combined world, there is still a significant importance played by communications data.  When presented alongside other evidence, communications data is a powerful element of a case which can support or undermine other physical evidence.  Data available from providers constantly evolves and may change or adapt with technological developments. Investigators need to be educated to identify the opportunities and risks posed by traditional and emerging data sets.


This training is CPD Accredited

Accredited CPD training means the learning activity has reached the required Continuing Professional Development standards and benchmarks. The learning value has been scrutinised to ensure integrity and quality. The CPD Certification Service provides recognised independent CPD accreditation compatible with global CPD requirements.



  • Understand the application process and legislative considerations needed for focused, objective-led communications data acquisition
  • Maximise your effectiveness in the acquisition and analysis of communications data
  • Recognise key identifiers in communications data records and location-based information
  • Focus and analyse through the use of Excel functions and create supporting products
  • Evaluate the information and draw inferences by maximising opportunities provided by digital identifiers and devices
  • Effectively present data to an evidential standard suitable for court

We pride ourselves on our ability to tailor any training to fit your needs, and we have experience in creating individualised programmes for a variety of audiences and organisations.

For details of availability and pricing, or to discuss the delivery of bespoke training for your organisation, please contact us at enquiries@bluelightsdigital.com.

Drop us a line or give us a ring. We'd love to hear from you and are happy to answer any questions.

Core Skills in Digital Forensics

10 days

Core Skills in Digital Forensics

A comprehensive course covering the skills that a Digital Forensics technician or practitioner will require in order to competently carry out forensic examinations of computers and mobile devices. The course consists of initial self-study learning using our online Learning Management System:


  • Understand the role of a Digital Forensics Technician and how they fit in with the larger investigation team
  • Understand the legislation, guidance and procedures that will be relevant to the role
  • Learn about the importance of planning and documenting examinations, ensuring data integrity and achieving the best evidence during examinations
  • Understand the fundamental principles of Digital Forensics, their own limitations and where to seek further support
  • Become familiar with the key equipment and types of software that are employed in a Digital Forensics environment
  • Gain the skills required to respond to a Digital Forensics incident by understanding the importance of careful handling of exhibits and how to gather evidence from a scene
  • Identify different file types and file systems.

The course then progresses to ten days of in-person training, which is largely practical based.


  • Extract and investigate evidence from computers running Microsoft Windows and Apple operating systems
  • Extract and investigate evidence from mobile devices
  • Understand how to gather and investigate evidence from Internet and cloud-based sources
  • Understand encryption, the different types that can be encountered and how this can influence an investigation
  • Learn about Structured Query Language (SQL) based databases and how to interrogate them during an investigation
  • Understand how to investigate various evidence artefacts including emails, internet browsing history, multimedia and documents that have been extracted during the course of their investigations.
  • Learn how to investigate data associated with social media and the Internet of Things (IoT).

We pride ourselves on our ability to tailor any training to fit your needs, and we have experience in creating individualised programmes for a variety of audiences and organisations.

For details of availability and pricing, or to discuss the delivery of bespoke training for your organisation, please contact us at enquiries@bluelightsdigital.com.

Drop us a line or give us a ring. We'd love to hear from you and are happy to answer any questions.

Cryptocurrency Awareness

1 day

Developed in 2009, cryptocurrency has emerged as a way to store, send, and receive money anonymously. This anonymity makes it attractive to those who wish to use money for illicit purposes, as it removes the ability for investigators to rely on traditional financial investigation methods.

The 1-day Cryptocurrency Awareness training is delivered by a former police cybercrime detective, with experience in investigating the criminal use of cryptocurrency. It covers the fundamentals of Blockchain and how digital currencies work from the user perspective. You will learn the ways in which people may acquire cryptocurrency, how it is stored, and see first-hand how a transaction is completed.

After this, the training demonstrates how the public nature of a Blockchain gives unique opportunities to an investigator, in terms of tracing money and identifying users.  You will learn techniques that can be used immediately, without the need for any specialist software or equipment.



  • Understand how digital currencies work for a user
  • Develop an understanding around Blockchain fundamentals
  • Recognise how to purchase, store, and transact with cryptocurrencies
  • Understand what opportunities an investigator has available for tracing and identifying users

We pride ourselves on our ability to tailor any training to fit your needs, and we have experience in creating individualised programmes for a variety of audiences and organisations.

For details of availability and pricing, or to discuss the delivery of bespoke training for your organisation, please contact us at enquiries@bluelightsdigital.com.

Drop us a line or give us a ring. We'd love to hear from you and are happy to answer any questions.

Cryptocurrency Investigation: Foundation

3 days
City & Guilds Assured

Cryptocurrency Investigation: Foundation

Our City & Guilds Assured Cryptocurrency Investigation: Foundation (3-day) training is designed for anyone with a need to understand and investigate the ownership and use of cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin.

This training was designed by an experienced cybercrime investigator with decades of experience as a police detective.  Delegates need no prior knowledge of cryptocurrency as the training builds knowledge from the ground up with no expectation of a technical background.

Over the course of three days, delegates will learn about everything from the origins of Bitcoin in 2008 through to the current developments in the world of digital currencies. The training is constructed around a ‘Strategy of Deanonymisation’, empowering investigators to trace and identify users of anonymous currencies using freely available tools.

The training also covers a number of essential topics, including cryptocurrency wallets, on-ramps and off-ramps, search and seizure guidance, and mining. There are practical exercises throughout, including delegates creating their own wallets, culminating in a ‘mini-investigation where they will be able to put their new skills to the test. As an extra challenge, there is an opportunity for delegates to compete to ‘steal’ a small amount of cryptocurrency from the instructor!


This training is City & Guilds Assured

This learning activity has been recognised and assured by City & Guilds, global leaders in learning excellence and quality.  The Assured benchmark is the training quality standards that City & Guilds has developed with industry experts and is made up of their five core components (and optional where applicable). They also recognise both face-to-face and digital learning, assessed or non-assessed training – and training in local languages.


  • History and context of cryptocurrency
  • The nature of Blockchain
  • The Bitcoin Core program
  • Cryptocurrency use-cases
  • Hashing
  • Cryptocurrency addresses
  • Keys and wallets
  • Cryptocurrency and OSINT (Open Source Intelligence)
  • Mixers and tumblers
  • Ransomware
  • Block explorers
  • Address profiling
  • The anatomy of a transaction
  • The meaning and importance of a UTXO
  • Typical and atypical transaction types
  • Co-spending
  • Clustering and cluster tags
  • Deanonymising users
  • Retail exchanges


  • Peer-to-peer trading
  • ATMs
  • Vendors and merchants
  • Mining
  • The ‘mempool’
  • Transaction fees explained
  • Physical wallets
  • Hardware wallets
  • Software wallets
  • Hosted wallets
  • Search and seizure
  • Presentation of evidence

Bitcoin with magnifying glass isolated on white background



  • Introduce the history and global context of cryptocurrency
  • Understand the fundamental concepts of a currency operated on a decentralized public ledger
  • Recognise the investigative opportunities and limitations presented by Blockchain
  • Recognise the impact of anonymous addresses on efforts to trace funds
  • Develop a defined strategy for the de-anonymisation of addresses, establishing lines of enquiry to identify the user of one or more Bitcoin addresses
  • Understand the role of ‘mining’ in the cryptocurrency environment, and the associated risks to infrastructure
  • Fully understand how to identify and analyse a cryptocurrency transaction using free open source Blockchain explorers
  • Successfully use block explorers to trace criminal assets through multiple addresses
  • Recognise the role of public/private keys and how they are intrinsic to cryptocurrency
  • Understand the potential for covert tactics that may be employed during an investigation
  • Recognise the characteristics of a number of cryptocurrency wallets
  • Understand the various ways in which cryptocurrency can be acquired (on-ramps), the ways in which it can be realised (off-ramps), and recognise the investigative opportunities that are created by both
  • Evaluate both the legalities and practicalities of cryptocurrency seizures, and develop a ‘best practice’ for a number of scenarios
  • Recognise the scale of cryptocurrency beyond Bitcoin, and identify key differences between Bitcoin and a number of ‘altcoins’

We pride ourselves on our ability to tailor any training to fit your needs, and we have experience in creating individualised programmes for a variety of audiences and organisations.

For details of availability and pricing, or to discuss the delivery of bespoke training for your organisation, please contact us at enquiries@bluelightsdigital.com.

Drop us a line or give us a ring. We'd love to hear from you and are happy to answer any questions.

Cryptocurrency Investigation - COMPLETE

5 days
Chainalysis Reactor Certification (CRC)

The Chainalysis Reactor Certification (CRC) provides practitioners with the knowledge and skills to analyse and trace transactions on the Bitcoin blockchain.
This comprehensive training uses Reactor—the tool of choice for investigators, analysts, and regulators.


  • The history, purpose, and current political status of Bitcoin
  • The principles of Blockchain and digital currency
  • Cryptocurrency addresses and different wallet types
  • The methods by which people buy and sell crypto-currency
  • The anatomy of a cryptocurrency transaction
  • Accessing and researching Blockchain data
  • Covert investigative tactics such as address monitoring and ‘dusting’
  • The process of mining, and the potential links to an investigation
  • Seizure and confiscation of cryptocurrency
  • Develop a defined strategy for the de-anonymisation of cryptocurrency addresses and wallets
  • Appreciate the similarities and differences between Bitcoin and several ‘altcoins’
  • Tumblers/mixers
  • Understanding off-chain payment channels such as Bitcoin’s ‘Lightning’ network
  • Case studies of cryptocurrency crimes, including a Bitcoin investment scam
  • Conduct transaction analysis and recognize key patterns
  • Leverage open source intelligence (OSINT)
  • The COMPLETE training includes Chainalysis Reactor Certification (CRC.  Learn to use the world’s leading cryptocurrency investigation platform, after which you may take the CRC assessment to become a Certified user


Cyptocurrency Investigation

  • To introduce the history and global context of cryptocurrency;
  • To understand the fundamental concepts of a currency operated on a decentralized public ledger;
  • To recognise the investigative opportunities and limitations presented by blockchain;
  • To recognise the impact of anonymous addresses on efforts to trace funds;
  • To develop a defined strategy for the de-anonymisation of addresses, establishing lines of enquiry to identify the user of one or more bitcoin addresses;
  • To understand the role of ‘mining’ in the cryptocurrency environment, and the associated risks to infrastructure;
  • To fully understand how to identify and analyse a cryptocurrency transaction using free open source blockchain explorers;
  • To successfully use block explorers to trace criminal assets through multiple addresses;
  • To recognise the role public/private keys and how they are intrinsic to cryptocurrency;


  • To understand the potential for covert tactics that may be employed during an investigation;
  • To recognise the characteristics of a number of cryptocurrency wallets;
  • To understand the various ways in which cryptocurrency can be acquired (on-ramps), the ways in which it can be realised (off-ramps), and recognise the investigative opportunities that are created by both;
  • To evaluate both the legalities and practicalities of cryptocurrency seizures, and develop a ‘best practice’ for a number of scenarios;
  • To recognise the scale of cryptocurrency beyond Bitcoin, and identify key differences between Bitcoin and a number of ‘altcoins’.

Enhanced Cryptocurrency & Chainalysis Reactor Essentials

  • Recap of cryptocurrency fundamentals & our Strategy of Deanonymisation
  • A closer look at tumblers/mixers
  • Understanding off-chain payment channels such as Bitcoin’s ‘Lightning’ network


  • Case studies of major cryptocurrency crimes, including the 2020 Twitter hack, the Silk Road billion-dollar seizure, and a bitcoin investment scam
  • Chainalysis Reactor Essentials training – including all major features of the software, and a temporary licence

Chainalysis Reactor Certification (CRC)

  • Understand Bitcoin transaction fundamentals
  • Conduct transaction analysis and recognize key patterns
  • Trace the origin and destination of bitcoin
  • Evaluate different categories of actors in the ecosystem
  • Apply techniques to identify services on the Bitcoin Blockchain
  • Leverage open-source intelligence (OSINT)
  • Solve real-world case studies using a full-spectrum of techniques
  • Learn how mixers operate and how to identify them
  • Understand the process of subpoena requests and responses

We pride ourselves on our ability to tailor any training to fit your needs, and we have experience in creating individualised programmes for a variety of audiences and organisations.

For details of availability and pricing, or to discuss the delivery of bespoke training for your organisation, please contact us at enquiries@bluelightsdigital.com.

Drop us a line or give us a ring. We'd love to hear from you and are happy to answer any questions.

Cyber Deception Fundamentals

2 days

Cyber Deception Fundamentals​

This 2-day training outlines the core components of Cyber Deception technologies, and how they can be combined to harness the cyber environment, creating opportunities and advantages, for investigators and network defenders.  Delegates are introduced to planning options and the considerations required to conduct successful operations using Cyber Deception technology.  

Due to the range of utility Cyber Deception technologies provide, this training is adjusted when delivering to different delegate audiences, for example, investigators, network defenders, or tactical awareness in close protection and event security.  Please let us know your requirements and we will tailor the shape of the syllabus to deliver the most appropriate training. 

We pride ourselves on our ability to tailor any training to fit your needs, and we have experience in creating individualised programmes for a variety of audiences and organisations.

For details of availability and pricing, or to discuss the delivery of bespoke training for your organisation, please contact us at enquiries@bluelightsdigital.com.

Drop us a line or give us a ring. We'd love to hear from you and are happy to answer any questions.

DARK WEB Introduction for Investigators

2 days
CPD Accredited


Don’t let the Dark Web become a nightmare for your investigation.  Join us for an introduction to the Dark Web and how as investigators we can safely access, search and evidence what you find.

Explore the Dark Web with our own trainers in this bespoke introduction to accessing and searching the  “darkest” corners on the web.  Across this course we will explain the legislation and strategies needed, before accessing the Dark Web safely and searching for information to progress your investigations.

This training is suitable for investigators starting out with their Dark Web investigation capabilities.  Delegates should have an existing understanding of open-source investigations, such as attending the BLD OSINT training.

This training is CPD Accredited

Accredited CPD training means the learning activity has reached the required Continuing Professional Development standards and benchmarks. The learning value has been scrutinised to ensure integrity and quality. The CPD Certification Service provides recognised independent CPD accreditation compatible with global CPD requirements.


  • Describe the levels of the internet (Clear Web, Deep Web and Dark Web) and what can be accessed at each level
  • Explain IP addressing and how the internet works
  • Practice how to access TOR
  • Describe the alternatives to TOR
  • Identify Darknet Market places
  • Explain Dark Web email services & search engines
  • Recognise different cryptocurrencies

We pride ourselves on our ability to tailor any training to fit your needs, and we have experience in creating individualised programmes for a variety of audiences and organisations.

For details of availability and pricing, or to discuss the delivery of bespoke training for your organisation, please contact us at enquiries@bluelightsdigital.com.

Drop us a line or give us a ring. We'd love to hear from you and are happy to answer any questions.

Digital Forensics & Disclosure

1 day


For any investigators who handle and/or process digital forensic products as part of the investigative process.




  • Gain an appreciation of the processes for extracting data from devices
  • Classify and choose what forensic output files are created
  • Distinguish in which format an output file can be generated
  • Appraise and effectively target certain elements within the generated products
  • Construct reasoned intelligence or evidential conclusions

We pride ourselves on our ability to tailor any training to fit your needs, and we have experience in creating individualised programmes for a variety of audiences and organisations.

For details of availability and pricing, or to discuss the delivery of bespoke training for your organisation, please contact us at enquiries@bluelightsdigital.com.

Drop us a line or give us a ring. We'd love to hear from you and are happy to answer any questions.

Digital Forensic Examination Review Skills for Investigators

1 day


One-day training giving investigators the skills to review, assess and interrogate data extracted from mobile devices. 

Our training is aimed at those who are not already trained in Digital Forensics but are required to review the outputs of examinations. 

Delegates do not require any previous training in mobile device examinations or Digital Forensics.


  • Understand what Digital Forensic files are and the data that they contain
  • Create a plan to navigate and interrogate data from mobile device examinations
  • Use timeframe and keyword searches to identify items of relevance to an investigation
  • Understand the different tools available and how to tag items that are of interest to an investigation
  • Create reports displaying information that is pertinent to an investigation and can be used as evidence

We pride ourselves on our ability to tailor any training to fit your needs, and we have experience in creating individualised programmes for a variety of audiences and organisations.

For details of availability and pricing, or to discuss the delivery of bespoke training for your organisation, please contact us at enquiries@bluelightsdigital.com.

Drop us a line or give us a ring. We'd love to hear from you and are happy to answer any questions.

CSE / CSA Investigation

3 days
CPD Accredited

This 3-day training gives delegates the skills required to investigate Child Sexual Abuse Material and online Child Sexual Exploitation, to learn about the different methods of how these offences are committed and how their related material can be exchanged, and how to build an evidential case that will aid the investigator in moving from investigation through to prosecution.

This training is CPD Accredited

Accredited CPD training means the learning activity has reached the required Continuing Professional Development standards and benchmarks. The learning value has been scrutinised to ensure integrity and quality. The CPD Certification Service provides recognised independent CPD accreditation compatible with global CPD requirements.


  • Learn the anatomy of the Internet, including the physical infrastructure and how IP addresses are used to route traffic
  • Identify how Exif data is stored within a digital image and learn how this can assist the investigator
  • Gain a high-level understanding of Peer to Peer (P2P) software
  • Learn what a torrent is, how files are hashed and how this is incorporated into P2P software
  • Learn how to investigate messaging applications, as well as web-based messaging forums
  • Identify digital forensics opportunities that can assist with investigations
  • Learn about the different methods of examining exhibits and how the alternative levels of examination can expedite an investigation or provide a greater level of evidence
  • Learn how to build an interview strategy based on the offences under investigation and the digital forensic evidence available

We pride ourselves on our ability to tailor any training to fit your needs, and we have experience in creating individualised programmes for a variety of audiences and organisations.

For details of availability and pricing, or to discuss the delivery of bespoke training for your organisation, please contact us at enquiries@bluelightsdigital.com.

Drop us a line or give us a ring. We'd love to hear from you and are happy to answer any questions.

Digital Search & Seizure

2 days

The Digital Search & Seizure training is aimed at staff across the organisation in a variety of roles including front line, supervisors, forensic scene investigators, POLSA officers, as well as specialist teams. The theme of the training is to take a fresh look at the scene of a search, with a view to identifying the key digital opportunities that exist but may have been overlooked.



  • Identify/secure an electronic crime scene
  • Learn to deal with witnesses and suspects at scenes
  • Identify priorities within a scene
  • Understand the risk factors in relation to the loss of evidence
  • Evaluate on-site opportunities
  • Provide strategic advice to SIOs and colleagues
  • Provide some guidance around business crime
  • Experience the current development of our virtual reality crime scene

We pride ourselves on our ability to tailor any training to fit your needs, and we have experience in creating individualised programmes for a variety of audiences and organisations.

For details of availability and pricing, or to discuss the delivery of bespoke training for your organisation, please contact us at enquiries@bluelightsdigital.com.

Drop us a line or give us a ring. We'd love to hear from you and are happy to answer any questions.

Digital Skills for the Front Line

1 day

This training is aimed at front-line officers and staff who come into contact with victims and suspects on a regular basis. It is designed to provide digital skills awareness to maximise opportunities at the earliest stage of any investigation.

The specifics of this delivery will be developed in consultation with the client, with a view to ensuring content is tailored to the needs of the delegates.

Organisational differences in processes and protocols are taken into account so that delegates leave with an understanding of local policies and systems, and how they apply to the digital aspect of any incident.


  • Provide knowledge around the digital world as it relates to everyday situations
  • Understand the focus on the evidential opportunities that may be presented from first contact
  • Discover how digitally profiling a subject influences an investigation
  • Compare the impact of smart devices and associated applications
  • Maximise communications data including internet derived data through RIPA workflows
  • Assess the opportunities presented by public Wi-Fi and be aware of the limitations

We pride ourselves on our ability to tailor any training to fit your needs, and we have experience in creating individualised programmes for a variety of audiences and organisations.

For details of availability and pricing, or to discuss the delivery of bespoke training for your organisation, please contact us at enquiries@bluelightsdigital.com.

Drop us a line or give us a ring. We'd love to hear from you and are happy to answer any questions.

Digital Skills for Supervisors

1 day


For supervisors in all roles and fields, this workshop for up to fifty delegates underlines the need for digital investigation awareness across all disciplines of policing.



  • Gain a high-level understanding of the broad range of digital investigation methods available
  • Be able to apply methods and strategies to all elements of day-to-day policing
  • Identify who in the organisation can provide specialist support in such areas

We pride ourselves on our ability to tailor any training to fit your needs, and we have experience in creating individualised programmes for a variety of audiences and organisations.

For details of availability and pricing, or to discuss the delivery of bespoke training for your organisation, please contact us at enquiries@bluelightsdigital.com.

Drop us a line or give us a ring. We'd love to hear from you and are happy to answer any questions.

Digital Support Advisor (DSA)

1 day


Designed for public-facing first responders, including communications staff, community officers, and immediate / diarised response officers, Digital Support Advisor (DSA) training is intended to create a minimum standard of awareness so that digital risks and opportunities are identified from the first moment of police contact.



  • Identify opportunities to gather digital intelligence from initial contact with the police
  • Advise the public on digital and cybercrime prevention and recovery

We pride ourselves on our ability to tailor any training to fit your needs, and we have experience in creating individualised programmes for a variety of audiences and organisations.

For details of availability and pricing, or to discuss the delivery of bespoke training for your organisation, please contact us at enquiries@bluelightsdigital.com.

Drop us a line or give us a ring. We'd love to hear from you and are happy to answer any questions.

Digital Tactical Advisor 1 (DTAC1)

5 days
City & Guilds Assured


Our Digital Tactical Advisor 1 (5-day) training is aimed at detectives, intelligence officers, and other investigators who wish to enhance their knowledge and understanding of the digital environment, from both a risk and opportunity perspective within a criminal investigation. 


This training is City & Guilds Assured

This learning activity has been recognised and assured by City & Guilds, global leaders in learning excellence and quality.  The Assured benchmark is the training quality standards that City & Guilds has developed with industry experts and is made up of their five core components (and optional where applicable). They also recognise both face-to-face and digital learning, assessed or non-assessed training – and training in local languages.


  • Highlight the role and responsibility of a Digital Media Investigator in the context of a criminal investigation.

  • Appreciate the value of data-based evidence, including telecommunications data, internet intelligence, Wi-Fi networks, routers, ANPR, location data, digital forensics and more.

  • Identify opportunities to acquire data using RIPA/IPA legislation and interpret it accordingly.

  • Develop the ability to write a comprehensive and robust digital strategy, in line with the requirements of a Senior Investigating Officer.

  • Recognise the criminal use of the dark web and the related area of cryptocurrency.

  • Identify opportunities to prevent and detect cyber-dependant crime.

  • Enumerate the digital investigative opportunities in a number of scenarios.

  • Give evidence at court with confidence.

  • Mitigate confirmation bias in the context of a criminal investigation.

We pride ourselves on our ability to tailor any training to fit your needs, and we have experience in creating individualised programmes for a variety of audiences and organisations.

For details of availability and pricing, or to discuss the delivery of bespoke training for your organisation, please contact us at enquiries@bluelightsdigital.com.

Drop us a line or give us a ring. We'd love to hear from you and are happy to answer any questions.

Digital Tactical Advisor 2 (DTAC2)

5 days
City & Guilds Assured


The Digital Tactical Advisor 2 (5-day) training is tailored to individuals who have already completed the DMI or DTAC1 training courses or possess extensive prior expertise in digital investigations. The focus is on honing your strategy writing within the realm of serious crime investigations.

During this intensive course, you will learn how to create comprehensive strategy logs for Senior Investigating Officers. You will cover the considerations that need to be taken into account at various stages of an investigation, enabling you to provide strategic guidance with absolute precision.

You will work through a practical scenario and at each stage learn how to expertly document and present your advice and digital evidence in a format that is not only coherent but easily digestible for all stakeholders involved. The ability to convey complex information with utmost clarity is an indispensable skill that you will master during our program.

The course will also build upon previous learning of digital investigations by delving into more advanced telecommunications and Digital Forensics techniques.

This learning activity has been recognised as Assured by City & Guilds, global leaders in skills development. Assured is a global quality benchmark that recognises excellence in training and learning. Developed by leading brands in skills development, the Assured benchmark demonstrates how organisations plan, design and deliver their learning programmes to meet world-class quality standards.


  • Compose detailed and well-structured strategy logs.  
  • Name the success criteria that identify a thorough strategy document.  
  • Formulate an attribution document that will link various entities identified within an investigation and assist with meeting the objectives of a Senior Investigating Officer. 
  • Determine what a Senior Investigating Officer expects from a DTAC and how to liaise effectively with them.  
  • Identify, manage and mitigate biases that may present themselves during an investigation. 
  • Prepare for and tailor your digital strategy advice depending on the phase of the investigation. 
  • Describe what Radio Frequency Propagation Surveys are and evaluate the evidential benefits they can bring to an investigation.  
  • Recognise the issues with interpreting call data that contains substantial General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) data.  
  • Define and recommend several covert tactics that can assist with a digital investigation.  
  • Demonstrate an in-depth understanding of Digital Forensics and justify alternative methods of extracting and presenting evidence from various devices.  
  • Prepare and present digital evidence in several different formats in order that complex data is more easily interpreted by the SIO, other stakeholders and the courtroom.  
  • Appraise Interview teams on topics and questions specifically aimed at digital aspects of the investigation which can be used as part of the PEACE interviewing model.  
  • Identify appropriate legislation to assist with Digital Investigations. 



Delegates wishing to attend the DTAC2 training should have completed the DTAC1 training, an equivalent digital investigation or DMI training, or be able to demonstrate relevant experience in the field of digital investigation tactics.

We pride ourselves on our ability to tailor any training to fit your needs, and we have experience in creating individualised programmes for a variety of audiences and organisations.

For details of availability and pricing, or to discuss the delivery of bespoke training for your organisation, please contact us at enquiries@bluelightsdigital.com.

Drop us a line or give us a ring. We'd love to hear from you and are happy to answer any questions.

Digital Tactical Advisor 3 (DTAC3)

5 days
City & Guilds Assured


The Digital Tactical Advisor 3 (5-day) training is tailored to individuals who have already completed the DTAC2 training course or possess extensive prior expertise in digital investigations. 

This is an advanced five-day course designed to equip experienced investigators with the knowledge and practical skills to investigate both established and emerging technologies. The course will build upon previous learning to explore topics including (but not limited to) the analysis of Wi-Fi networks, the use of gaming platforms to trace an individual, accessing and seizing cloud-stored evidence and spoofing of various communications platforms within complex crime investigations.


This learning activity has been recognised as Assured by City & Guilds, global leaders in skills development. Assured is a global quality benchmark that recognises excellence in training and learning. Developed by leading brands in skills development, the Assured benchmark demonstrates how organisations plan, design and deliver their learning programmes to meet world-class quality standards.


  • Describe the architecture and key features of Web 3.0 and recognise the potential challenges and opportunities Web 3.0 represents to Law Enforcement. This includes the consideration of threats as well as opportunities that Web 3.0 will bring to LEA in the pursuit of criminality.

  • Proficiently utilise gaming platforms, the metaverse and forums to gather intelligence and identify investigative opportunities for law enforcement.

  • Identify advanced techniques that could be utilised by Law Enforcement and Offenders to track and trace individuals.

  • Employ advanced techniques to analyse Wi-Fi signals to locate devices and potential user activity whilst also being able to evaluate the authorities for such practices.

  • Identify and investigate how various methods of communication and multimedia can be faked or imitated.

  • Interpret the technological, legislative and time-critical challenges of evidentially securing cloud-stored data.

  • Identify the data available to account holders from social media and technology companies and implement options for investigators to access this data.

  • Identify the data available from wearable technologies, health-related and medical equipment and how the investigator can access and provide the information.


Delegates wishing to attend the DTAC3 training should have completed the DTAC2 training, an equivalent digital investigation or DMI training, or be able to demonstrate relevant experience in the field of digital investigation tactics.

We pride ourselves on our ability to tailor any training to fit your needs, and we have experience in creating individualised programmes for a variety of audiences and organisations.

For details of availability and pricing, or to discuss the delivery of bespoke training for your organisation, please contact us at enquiries@bluelightsdigital.com.

Drop us a line or give us a ring. We'd love to hear from you and are happy to answer any questions.

Drone (UAV) Investigation

5 days
CPD Accredited

Drone (UAV) Investigation

Designed for any investigator who has responsibility for ascertaining the origin, use, and criminal behaviour of a downed drone (UAV).

The Drone (UAV) Investigation training will be delivered over 5 days. If you have no previous digital forensics experience, days 1 and 2 are utilised to certify you in the use of one of the forensic tools available.


This training is CPD Accredited

Accredited CPD training means the learning activity has reached the required Continuing Professional Development standards and benchmarks. The learning value has been scrutinised to ensure integrity and quality. The CPD Certification Service provides recognised independent CPD accreditation compatible with global CPD requirements.


  • Explain and understand the component parts of a drone and their purpose
  • Explain and analyse the legislation that is relevant to drone usage
  • Explain and identify drone control systems
  • Critically analyse what information may be available from a drone
  • Understand threat vectors and criminal use of drones
  • Evaluate and acquire data from a drone
  • Critically appraise the value of data in terms of intelligence and evidence
  • Learn presentation of data and any perceived limitations

We pride ourselves on our ability to tailor any training to fit your needs, and we have experience in creating individualised programmes for a variety of audiences and organisations.

For details of availability and pricing, or to discuss the delivery of bespoke training for your organisation, please contact us at enquiries@bluelightsdigital.com.

Drop us a line or give us a ring. We'd love to hear from you and are happy to answer any questions.

Enhanced Cryptocurrency & Chainalysis Reactor Essentials

1 day

Enhanced Cryptocurrency and Chainalysis Reactor Essentials


1-day – Remote delivery (max 20) or classroom (max 12)
For delegates who have previously completed our Cryptocurrency Investigation training, this one day additional training is designed to cover more advanced elements of the topic, and provide a grounding in the use of Chainalysis Reactor, the powerful Blockchain intelligence software.  This training was designed by a Certified Chainalysis Training Partner and experienced cybercrime detective, and includes a temporary training license to use Reactor during the training, giving you a hands-on experience of the tools.


  • Recap of cryptocurrency fundamentals and our Strategy of Deanonymisation
  • A closer look at tumblers/mixers
  • Understanding off-chain payment channels such as Bitcoin’s ‘Lightning’ network
  • Case studies of major cryptocurrency crimes, including the 2020 Twitter hack, the Silk Road billion-dollar seizure, and a Bitcoin investment scam
  • Chainalysis Reactor Essentials training – including all major features of the software, and a temporary licence

We pride ourselves on our ability to tailor any training to fit your needs, and we have experience in creating individualised programmes for a variety of audiences and organisations.

For details of availability and pricing, or to discuss the delivery of bespoke training for your organisation, please contact us at enquiries@bluelightsdigital.com.

Drop us a line or give us a ring. We'd love to hear from you and are happy to answer any questions.

Federation for the Management of Projects (FMP)

ILM Recognised

5 days

Federation for the Management of Projects FMP

ILM Recognised

ILM Recognised

ILM Assured Approved

ILM Assured Approved

This is an ILM leadership and management programme in the Federation for the Management of Projects (FMP).

It covers the skills, knowledge, competencies, and proficiencies (approach) in successfully leading, directing, and managing projects. The programme will identify and enhance pre-existing project management knowledge, skills, and experience, and enable each delegate to advance their ability to lead and deliver.

This programme will be customised with examples and exercises tailored to the industries and sectors in which you operate, including law enforcement, medical, fire and rescue, governmental, military, and other sectors.

It is aimed at individuals (from all sectors) seeking a vocation in project management by evaluating their project management skills. FMP validates knowledge and skills in project management at various levels, from those with an ambition to pursue a career as a Project Manager, Senior Project Manager, Programme and Portfolio Managers.

The training can be attended by anyone with the need to understand and apply project management principles to their work in a multidisciplinary ecosystem.

While there are no prerequisites, it is expected that participants will either be working in the field or transitioning into a project management role.

By completing the Federated for the Management of Projects (FMP) course, delegates from LEA will benefit from the following areas that are specifically designed towards LEA officers and staff to manage and lead projects internally leading to improved control, cost predictability, institutional memory, knowledge retention , longer term stability for programmes and alignment with LEA organisational cultures.


  • To understand the 14 elements of FMP including the Business Case, Benefits Management, Risk Management, Issues Management, Stakeholder Management, Requirements Management, Information and Knowledge Management, Resource Management, Quality and Assurance Management, Cost and Budget Management, Procurement Management, Planning Management, Monitoring and Control Management & Change Management
  • To understand the FMP 6 Stage cycles of Project Identification, Project Initiation, Project Planning, Project Delivery, Project Close, Measurement of Benefits
  • To understand the processes within each of the 6 Stage areas and states
  • To understand and be able to apply the skills and knowledge to projects with immediate effect


By completing the FMP course, delegates from LEA will benefit from the following areas specifically targeted towards project management in law enforcement.

  • Enhanced cooperation and collaboration among various departments and specialised units as well as with external agencies and international partners
  • Efficient Risk Management using supplied FMP tools and techniques that are bespoke to law enforcement assisting LEA to anticipate potential challenges and develop strategies to mitigate these risks
  • Enhanced stakeholder engagement, vital for comprehending requirements, establishing priorities, and cultivating trust
  • Adaptability and flexibility essential in the ever-changing realm of technology and emergence of new crime types
  • The FMP framework offers the essential, field-specific flexibility to adapt to these evolving dynamics
  • Personnel Professional Development through improved proficiency in leadership, strategic planning, and critical thinking.

We pride ourselves on our ability to tailor any training to fit your needs, and we have experience in creating individualised programmes for a variety of audiences and organisations.

For details of availability and pricing, or to discuss the delivery of bespoke training for your organisation, please contact us at enquiries@bluelightsdigital.com.

Drop us a line or give us a ring. We'd love to hear from you and are happy to answer any questions.

Finance Fraud for the Motor Trade Professional (FFMTP)

1-2 days



This training provides essential knowledge and skills to help employees in the motor trade prevent fraudulent car finance applications. By understanding the different types of fraudulent activity, identifying warning signs, maintaining accurate documentation and record-keeping, and implementing practical prevention strategies, participants will be well-equipped to protect their organization from fraud and maintain the integrity of the car finance industry.

The course can be tailored to meet the specific needs of the organisation, but a typical duration would be 1-2 days.

Participants will be assessed through practical exercises and case studies, which will test their ability to apply the knowledge and skills learned throughout the course. A certificate of completion will be awarded to participants who successfully complete the course.


  • Understand the different types of fraudulent car finance applications
  • Learn how to identify warning signs of fraudulent activity
  • Understand the importance of accurate documentation and record-keeping
  • Learn practical strategies for preventing fraudulent car finance applications

We pride ourselves on our ability to tailor any training to fit your needs, and we have experience in creating individualised programmes for a variety of audiences and organisations.

For details of availability and pricing, or to discuss the delivery of bespoke training for your organisation, please contact us at enquiries@bluelightsdigital.com.

Drop us a line or give us a ring. We'd love to hear from you and are happy to answer any questions.

Intelligence Development Officer (IDO) Training

5 days

City & Guilds Assured


Bespoke training in line with the IPP for Intelligence Officers, aimed to build knowledge and application in handling and disseminating intelligence, identifying gaps, and assessing threat harm and risk.

This training is City & Guilds Assured

This learning activity has been recognised and assured by City & Guilds, global leaders in learning excellence and quality.  The Assured benchmark is the training quality standards that City & Guilds has developed with industry experts and is made up of their five core components (and optional where applicable). They also recognise both face-to-face and digital learning, assessed or non-assessed training – and training in local languages.


  • Understand the role of an Intelligence Development Officer (IDO) in strategic and operational capacities and the legislation involved
  • Understand the National Intelligence Model (NIM) and how to evaluate information for its reliability and validity
  • Explain the assessment of the threat, risk, harm, vulnerabilities, and opportunities
  • Identify sources of intelligence for individuals and organisations linked to criminal activity
  • Utilise the National Decision Model (NDM), identify intelligence gaps, and set intelligence collection plans
  • Demonstrate considerations of necessity, proportionality, and collateral intrusion with applications for data under Investigatory Powers Act 2016 (IPA) legislation, analysing the results against the collection plan
  • Understand the different ways of preparing and presenting information, including a subject profile and other intelligence products, with key findings

We pride ourselves on our ability to tailor any training to fit your needs, and we have experience in creating individualised programmes for a variety of audiences and organisations.

For details of availability and pricing, or to discuss the delivery of bespoke training for your organisation, please contact us at enquiries@bluelightsdigital.com.

Drop us a line or give us a ring. We'd love to hear from you and are happy to answer any questions.

Intelligence Researcher Programme

Blended learning model, utilising an online learning platform (LMS) and classroom sessions
City &Guilds Assured

BLD’s Intelligence Researcher programme was developed in collaboration with the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS). The aim was to develop and deliver a programme to provide Intelligence Researchers with the theoretical knowledge and practical skills required to progress through to accreditation under the Intelligence Professionalisation Programme (IPP).

Using a blended learning model, utilising an online learning platform (LMS) and classroom sessions, the programme provides the required theoretical knowledge and reinforces this learning with practical exercises, group and class discussions.

This training is City & Guilds Assured

This learning activity has been recognised and assured by City & Guilds, global leaders in learning excellence and quality.  The Assured benchmark is the training quality standards that City & Guilds has developed with industry experts and is made up of their five core components (and optional where applicable). They also recognise both face-to-face and digital learning, assessed or non-assessed training – and training in local languages.


  • Tasking structures and decision making
    Providing an understanding of the governance structure of tasking processes across policing and how these impact upon a researcher. Delegates are taught how to develop a Terms of Reference and to discuss key points with customers.
  • Research methods and skills
    Delivering theoretical and practical skills of researcher methods, focusing on collection, collation and evaluation, basic statistical calculations, and Excel skills.
  • Development of intelligence products
    Focuses on the key NIM intelligence products and the information required within these reports.
  • Relevant legislation
    Details of the relevant pieces of legislation are provided, ensuring delegates understand the impact and relevance to their role.
  • Disseminating research findings
    Delegates are provided with multiple practical exercises which lead to the development of a research summary report and group presentation.  This is the culmination of the learning achieved across the online modules and classroom sessions.

We pride ourselves on our ability to tailor any training to fit your needs, and we have experience in creating individualised programmes for a variety of audiences and organisations.

For details of availability and pricing, or to discuss the delivery of bespoke training for your organisation, please contact us at enquiries@bluelightsdigital.com.

Drop us a line or give us a ring. We'd love to hear from you and are happy to answer any questions.

Investigating Technology Facilitated Abuse

5 days 

Investigating Technology Facilitated Abuse

Modern technology presents a multitude of opportunities for perpetrators to facilitate their controlling and coercive behaviour toward survivors. The objective of this course is to provide delegates with valuable insight into the range of hardware and software tools, either designed to facilitate spying on another person, or more innocent technologies that can be misused by perpetrators to monitor, stalk and harass survivors. Assisting Investigators to understand these methodologies will also allow them to identify investigative opportunities and potential issues around safe evidence gathering. 

On completion of the training, the delegates will be fully aware of how technology can be used to facilitate domestic and other forms of abuse, and better placed to investigate such serious offences and to safeguard survivors.


  • Recognise how perpetrator’s access to a survivor’s Social Media Account can facilitate abuse
  • Identify perpetrators use of fake accounts to access information or spread disinformation
  • Demonstrate an understanding of Stalkerware, how it is used and how to detect it
  • Recognise the potential for use of Spyware and identify methods of detection
  • Develop knowledge of IOT and how it is used by offenders to Gaslight and monitor survivors
  • Demonstrate a deep understanding of the types of GPS trackers and their use in stalking
  • Recognise how Bluetooth trackers such as Apple Airtag or Tile can be used by stalkers
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the full range of relevant legislation
  • Develop policies and procedures around evidential capture and seizure of exhibits
  • Recognise how Banking and other financial apps can be used by perpetrators to abuse
  • Demonstrate and understanding of the use of legitimate Mobile Apps to monitor and stalk
  • Identify how perpetrators use of children to introduce technology into survivors’ lives
  • Recognise the harm of Intimate Image Abuse and understand the ways to minimise this
  • Discuss how to provide suitable Digital Prevent advice to survivors.

For details of availability and pricing, or to discuss the delivery of bespoke training for your organisation, please contact us at enquiries@bluelightsdigital.com.

Drop us a line or give us a ring. We'd love to hear from you and are happy to answer any questions.

Investigative Analyst Training

 5 days for CPD accreditation (1 day = awareness session / 2 day = upskilling / 5 day = full training)
CPD Accredited

Investigative Analyst

Investigative Analyst training is open via both remote instructor led and classroom.


This training is CPD Accredited

Accredited CPD training means the learning activity has reached the required Continuing Professional Development standards and benchmarks. The learning value has been scrutinised to ensure integrity and quality. The CPD Certification Service provides recognised independent CPD accreditation compatible with global CPD requirements.

LEARNING OUTCOMES (full 5-day programme)

  • Understand the value of an analyst within an investigation
  • Demonstrate a working knowledge of the National Intelligence Model (NIM) and its impact on both proactive and reactive investigation
  • Understand the need for evidential and intelligence separation
  • Understand the need for strategy and support of an SIO in the formulation of investigative hypothesis
  • Demonstrate a need for a robust tasking process and formulation of meaningful intel briefs
  • Demonstrate an awareness of confirmation bias and how it can close the door to potential investigative opportunities if not managed
  • Understand the vast array of disparate data available to an investigation (Comms, DF, OSINT, CCTV, ANPR, Witness testimony, Overt, Covert etc) along with the inferences which can be drawn
  • Demonstrate layering of data to test an investigative hypothesis
  • Understand how anomalies within data can create an adverse impact on an investigative outcome, if not measured correctly 
  • Demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of communications data and the production of a communications data strategy
  • Demonstrate a robust working knowledge of the MS Excel software and how features within the tool can be used to cleanse/interpret/interrogate CDRs
  • Demonstrate an understanding of what questions can be asked of Digital Forensics outputs, along with parallel sourcing opportunities
  • Demonstrate an understanding of how Open Source tasking can be utilised to test/validate/corroborate/know facts
  • Demonstrate how to produce an intelligence report with appropriate sourcing
  • Demonstrate evidential report production for court purposes
  • Understand the court process and demonstrate how to best prepare to present evidence in chief

We pride ourselves on our ability to tailor any training to fit your needs, and we have experience in creating individualised programmes for a variety of audiences and organisations.

For details of availability and pricing, or to discuss the delivery of bespoke training for your organisation, please contact us at enquiries@bluelightsdigital.com.

Drop us a line or give us a ring. We'd love to hear from you and are happy to answer any questions.

Mobile Core Skills

3 days


This 3-day training is for anyone wishing to learn Mobile Core Skills.  There are no prerequisites for this training.



  • Identify different Mobile Phone Handsets

  • Explain SIM Cards and features 

  • Understand Mobile Network Operators and Services 

  • Demonstrate Exhibit Handling & Seizure

  • Demonstrate principles of examination

We pride ourselves on our ability to tailor any training to fit your needs, and we have experience in creating individualised programmes for a variety of audiences and organisations.

For details of availability and pricing, or to discuss the delivery of bespoke training for your organisation, please contact us at enquiries@bluelightsdigital.com.

Drop us a line or give us a ring. We'd love to hear from you and are happy to answer any questions.

MOSOVO Awareness (1-day training)

1 day
CPD Accredited

Our MOSOVO AWARENESS (1-day training) is aimed at Law Enforcement and is only for those who monitor and investigate members of society who are perceived to present a serious and credible threat to the general public.

This 1-day training provides an awareness of the skills and required digital knowledge when managing violent and sexual offenders.

This training develops existing skills focused on specific types of offenders.


This training is CPD Accredited

Accredited CPD training means the learning activity has reached the required Continuing Professional Development standards and benchmarks. The learning value has been scrutinised to ensure integrity and quality. The CPD Certification Service provides recognised independent CPD accreditation compatible with global CPD requirements.


  • Understand ways in which a subject may hide their digital activities from their police management officer
  • Understand what can be achieved by examining a home router
  • Understand what can be achieved by using a Wi-Fi ‘sniffing’ program (non-intercept)
  • Recognise popular apps designed to hide online activity
  • Recognise current trends in the distribution of IIOC
  • Gain an awareness of the risks to management officers visiting subject premises
  • Understand the three easy ways to spot an SHPO breach: recently used sites; deleted applications; missing USB devices

We pride ourselves on our ability to tailor any training to fit your needs, and we have experience in creating individualised programmes for a variety of audiences and organisations.

For details of availability and pricing, or to discuss the delivery of bespoke training for your organisation, please contact us at enquiries@bluelightsdigital.com.

Drop us a line or give us a ring. We'd love to hear from you and are happy to answer any questions.

MOSOVO (3-day training)

3 days
CPD Accredited

Our MOSOVO training is aimed at Law Enforcement and is only for those who monitor and investigate members of society who are perceived to present a serious and credible threat to the general public.

This 3-day training provides a range of necessary skills and specialist knowledge in the digital environment to identify the relevant opportunities, whilst also weighing up the risks and safeguarding issues.

This training develops existing skills focused on specific types of offenders. 


This training is CPD Accredited

Accredited CPD training means the learning activity has reached the required Continuing Professional Development standards and benchmarks. The learning value has been scrutinised to ensure integrity and quality. The CPD Certification Service provides recognised independent CPD accreditation compatible with global CPD requirements.


  • Understand ways in which a subject may hide their digital activities from their police management officer
  • Understand what can be achieved by examining a home router
  • Understand what can be achieved by using a Wi-Fi ‘sniffing’ program (non-intercept)
  • Recognise popular apps designed to hide online activity
  • Recognise current trends in the distribution of IIOC
  • Gain an awareness of the risks to management officers visiting subject premises
  • Understand the three easy ways to spot an SHPO breach: recently used sites; deleted applications; missing USB devices
  • Learn a full home Wi-Fi router examination to identify undeclared devices
  • Acquire further intel from routers, concerning filesharing applications
  • Use the command line on Windows machines to identify potential SHPO breaches
  • Use triage tools to identify a breach (pre-device seizure only)
  • Learn the Internet of Things device recognition
  • Use APP-based Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) to identify social media profiles and potential victims
  • Become familiar with the dark web

We pride ourselves on our ability to tailor any training to fit your needs, and we have experience in creating individualised programmes for a variety of audiences and organisations.

For details of availability and pricing, or to discuss the delivery of bespoke training for your organisation, please contact us at enquiries@bluelightsdigital.com.

Drop us a line or give us a ring. We'd love to hear from you and are happy to answer any questions.

MOSOVO (5-day training)

5 days
CPD Accredited

MOSOVO 5 days

Our MOSOVO training is aimed at Law Enforcement and is only for those who monitor and investigate members of society who are perceived to present a serious and credible threat to the general public.

This 5-day training provides a comprehensive range of necessary skills and specialist knowledge in the digital environment to fully identify the relevant opportunities, whilst also weighing up the risks and safeguarding issues.

This training develops existing skills focused on specific types of offenders.


This training is CPD Accredited

Accredited CPD training means the learning activity has reached the required Continuing Professional Development standards and benchmarks. The learning value has been scrutinised to ensure integrity and quality. The CPD Certification Service provides recognised independent CPD accreditation compatible with global CPD requirements.


  • Understand ways in which a subject may hide their digital activities from their police management officer
  • Understand what can be achieved by examining a home router
  • Understand what can be achieved by using a Wi-Fi ‘sniffing’ program (non-intercept)
  • Recognise popular apps designed to hide online activity
  • Recognise current trends in the distribution of IIOC
  • Gain an awareness of the risks to management officers visiting subject premises
  • Understand the three easy ways to spot an SHPO breach: recently used sites; deleted applications; missing USB devices
  • Learn a full home Wi-Fi router examination to identify undeclared devices
  • Acquire further intel from routers, concerning filesharing applications
  • Use the command line on Windows machines to identify potential SHPO breaches
  • Use triage tools to identify a breach (pre-device seizure only)
  • Learn the Internet of Things device recognition
  • Use APP-based Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) to identify social media profiles and potential victims
  • Become familiar with the dark web
  • Assess the subject’s use of Social Media platforms using OSINT tools and techniques
  • Understand the legislation concerning the use of such techniques
  • Recognise how to use covert OSINT techniques safely, including tradecraft for the creation and maintenance of the false persona
  • Understand the investigative opportunities linking a subject’s internet use with IP and communications data

We pride ourselves on our ability to tailor any training to fit your needs, and we have experience in creating individualised programmes for a variety of audiences and organisations.

For details of availability and pricing, or to discuss the delivery of bespoke training for your organisation, please contact us at enquiries@bluelightsdigital.com.

Drop us a line or give us a ring. We'd love to hear from you and are happy to answer any questions.

On-Scene Digital Search & Seizure

5 days

On-Scene Digital Search & Seizure

The aim of this 5-day On-Scene Digital Search & Seizure training is to develop knowledge and skills around the securing of digital evidence at scene. Learn how to locate devices, capture volatile data, prioritise digital opportunities and record that process. Understand how to triage devices, secure digital exhibits in a forensically sound manner and capture evidence from the smart home.


  • Employ sound planning and search strategies to secure best evidence.
  • Explain how relevant legislation and ISO accreditation impacts on scene work.
  • Discuss options for locating and evidentially securing digital devices.
  • Demonstrate the decision-making process around prioritisation.
  • Use appropriate methods to record your decision-making process.
  • Evaluate options from none-seizure to on-scene triage, to full lab examination.
  • Differentiate between technical triage tool options.
  • Recognise the risks and benefits of manual examination at scene.
  • Use tools to secure volatile data (RAM capture).
  • Employ sound forensic processes to ensure capture of best evidence.
  • Explain the considerations around capture of Cloud based data at scene.
  • Identify the investigative options from IOT devices, smart TVs and Games consoles.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of Wi-Fi and examination of home broadband routers.
  • Discuss the investigative value of Wi-Fi Surveys.

We pride ourselves on our ability to tailor any training to fit your needs, and we have experience in creating individualised programmes for a variety of audiences and organisations.

For details of availability and pricing, or to discuss the delivery of bespoke training for your organisation, please contact us at enquiries@bluelightsdigital.com.

Drop us a line or give us a ring. We'd love to hear from you and are happy to answer any questions.

Open Source Intelligence (OSINT)

4 days
City & Guilds Assured

This Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) 4day training is aimed at investigators in all roles who have a need to search, identify, acquire, and evidence data that exists on the public internet.


This training is City & Guilds Assured

This learning activity has been recognised and assured by City & Guilds, global leaders in learning excellence and quality.  The Assured benchmark is the training quality standards that City & Guilds has developed with industry experts and is made up of their five core components (and optional where applicable). They also recognise both face-to-face and digital learning, assessed or non-assessed training – and training in local languages.


  • Explain the structure of the internet, and be able to investigate domains and services.
  • Acquire data in an evidentially robust manner.
  • Identify evidence and intelligence across a number of social networks.
  • Identify other sources of publicly available data about individuals and other entities.
  • Use mobile apps to add additional depth to research.
  • Investigate evidence from the dark web and trace cryptocurrency transactions.
  • Use freely available tools to investigate the integrity and origin of digital images.
  • Identify ways in which poor configuration of services can be exploited to acquire hidden data.

We pride ourselves on our ability to tailor any training to fit your needs, and we have experience in creating individualised programmes for a variety of audiences and organisations.

For details of availability and pricing, or to discuss the delivery of bespoke training for your organisation, please contact us at enquiries@bluelightsdigital.com.

Drop us a line or give us a ring. We'd love to hear from you and are happy to answer any questions.

Open Source Refresher

1 day


This 1-day Open Source Refresher is aimed at those who have previously completed an Open Source Intelligence  (OSINT) training, and who wish to refresh their skills and learn something new. 

Open Source Intelligence and Investigation is an ever-changing world, with older tools becoming defunct and new tools and techniques arriving on the scene. This training will help to build upon existing skills.



  • Build upon previous training and experiences around Open Source Investigation
  • Develop further skills around browser usage and image investigations with new tools that become available
  • Develop a further understanding of investigations as changes to social media platforms evolve
  • Recognise the potential opportunities through apps and source codes
  • Review defunct and new tools that may support your open source Investigations

We pride ourselves on our ability to tailor any training to fit your needs, and we have experience in creating individualised programmes for a variety of audiences and organisations.

For details of availability and pricing, or to discuss the delivery of bespoke training for your organisation, please contact us at enquiries@bluelightsdigital.com.

Drop us a line or give us a ring. We'd love to hear from you and are happy to answer any questions.

Professional Investigation Skills

1 day


The Professional Investigation Skills training is for those working in any investigative role, whether the ultimate outcome of an investigation is a criminal trial, a civil court hearing, a tribunal, inquest, or any other internal or external process.  Experienced former police detectives teach delegates the most effective and evidentially-sound ways to interview witnesses and suspects, take written statements, seize and handle exhibits, prepare case files and documentation, devise and document investigation plans that stand scrutiny, and present any such evidence to the highest standard in any court or hearing.



  • Be able to identify opportunities arising from an investigation
  • Handle and seize exhibits in a robust fashion and maintain their integrity
  • Show competence in taking written statements from witnesses
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the processes around interviewing witnesses and suspects
  • Demonstrate effectiveness with the use of questioning formats
  • Understand obligations for case and file preparation
  • Understand the principles of disclosure and audit records

We pride ourselves on our ability to tailor any training to fit your needs, and we have experience in creating individualised programmes for a variety of audiences and organisations.

For details of availability and pricing, or to discuss the delivery of bespoke training for your organisation, please contact us at enquiries@bluelightsdigital.com.

Drop us a line or give us a ring. We'd love to hear from you and are happy to answer any questions.

Radio Frequency Tactical Advisor (RFTac)

5 days

City & Guilds Assured


This 5-day course is designed to deliver contextualised content that aligns technologies and methodologies with the practical, day-to-day needs of police users, ensuring its relevance to their specific requirements.

This is a programme in Radio Frequency Technologies (RF) and Tactical Application.  The programme covers the skills and knowledge required to tactically advise on the use of RF technologies and police investigations. It teaches cellular network evolution from 2G to 5G, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth and their practical application as well as the responsibilities in line with the FSR Code of Practice. 


This training is City & Guilds Assured

This learning activity has been recognised and assured by City & Guilds, global leaders in learning excellence and quality.  The Assured benchmark is the training quality standards that City & Guilds has developed with industry experts and is made up of their five core components (and optional where applicable). They also recognise both face-to-face and digital learning, assessed or non-assessed training – and training in local languages.


The target audience for this course comprises police officers and police staff engaged in RF surveys (RF Techs) or analysts working with Radio Frequency Propagation Survey (RFPS) or Call Detail Records (CDR) information. While prior completion of initial training through the College of Policing is advantageous, it is not a mandatory prerequisite.

There is an expectation that the participants will be from the digital forensic/Cellular investigation sector as this is a specialist programme so literacy and numeracy skills will be required.



  • Cellular Technologies

    Delegates will be able to demonstrate an understanding of cellular network evolution from 2G to 5G by identifying core network components, explaining air interface principles, and describing the mechanisms for establishing and managing voice calls, text messages, and data sessions across these generations.

  • Radio Frequency Data

    Delegates will have acquired expertise in radio frequency survey parameters across 2G to 5G cellular networks. They will be proficient in defining key survey parameters, implementing data collection methodologies for both SIM-based and SDR-based RF equipment, and understanding the intrinsic value and relevance of collected data. Additionally, participants will appreciate how this acquired knowledge supports Cell Site Analysis for Geolocation, enhancing their ability to contribute effectively to policing activities and decision-making processes.

  • Call Detail Records

    Delegates will understand Call Detail Records (CDR) analysis, spanning 2G to 5G cellular networks. They will define key parameters relevant to CDR analysis, apply methodologies for collecting, processing, and interpreting CDR data, and grasp the intrinsic value and significance of this information. Furthermore, participants will recognize how this acquired knowledge supports Cell Site Analysis for Geolocation, enhancing their capacity to contribute effectively to policing activities and decision-making processes.

  • Limitations of Cell Site Data & Analysis

    Delegates will be proficient in assessing the limitations of Cell Site Analysis within the context of law enforcement investigations. They will also have the expertise to distinguish between factual evidence and expert opinions, ensuring a nuanced understanding of the evidentiary value and potential challenges in utilizing Cell Site Analysis in legal proceedings.

  • Reporting Requirements

    Delegates will be able to produce comprehensive and unbiased reports for law enforcement investigations, adhering to established reporting structures, making accurate declarations, and demonstrating awareness of cognitive bias to maintain the integrity and transparency of their documentation.

  • Responsibilities

    Delegates will have developed an understanding of their responsibilities in forensic science practices and will be proficient in adhering to both the Forensic Science Regulator’s Code of Practice and ISO 17025 standards. They will recognize the relevance and the importance of these regulations in ensuring the quality, accuracy, and ethical conduct of forensic investigations.

The programme is 5 days in duration and is supported by a Scheme of Work (Course Programme).  Materials shared include all lesson plans and PowerPoint slides.

The course content is contextualised to support the new Forensic Science Regulator (FSR) code of practice which came into effect 02 October 2023.

We pride ourselves on our ability to tailor any training to fit your needs, and we have experience in creating individualised programmes for a variety of audiences and organisations.

For details of availability and pricing, or to discuss the delivery of bespoke training for your organisation, please contact us at enquiries@bluelightsdigital.com.

Drop us a line or give us a ring. We'd love to hear from you and are happy to answer any questions.

Roads Policing - Digital Drivers

2 days

CPD Accredited


Data is all around, thousands of mini computers powering a vehicle means obtaining the right data at the right time will make intelligence and evidence collection more efficient, reducing bail times and resulting in quicker criminal justice outcomes.

This Blue Lights Digital (2-day) specific Roads Policing digital drivers course is suitable for all staff involved in policing the roads network to their specific opportunities and considerations with digital information.

Aligned with the NPCC strategy for SAFE, SECURE, SOCIAL & EFFICIENT policing of the roads, we will introduce meaningful opportunities for data acquisition and when to employ them as a menu of options.

Our course can be delivered stand-alone or integrated into existing Roads Policing courses.


This training is CPD Accredited

Accredited CPD training means the learning activity has reached the required Continuing Professional Development standards and benchmarks. The learning value has been scrutinised to ensure integrity and quality. The CPD Certification Service provides recognised independent CPD accreditation compatible with global CPD requirements.


  • Explain digital capabilities to improve Roads Policing effectiveness on connected vehicles supporting the Fatal Four
  • Demonstrate knowledge of options for digital capabilities with connected vehicles
  • Identify when and how to use a suite of digital capabilities on connected vehicles
  • Identify connected vehicle digital tools & how they benefit your investigation
  • Describe an awareness of local, force or regional priorities in line with the Fatal Four
  • Recognise the legislation relevant to the development and actioning of intelligence in respect of road users and connected vehicles
  • Develop a plan for collection and actioning in line with strategic deliverables
  • Demonstrate an awareness of how intelligence may support the activities of other operational teams at Force or Region
  • Describe the disclosure (and specific connected vehicle) considerations to be made when compiling an evidential bundle.

We pride ourselves on our ability to tailor any training to fit your needs, and we have experience in creating individualised programmes for a variety of audiences and organisations.

For details of availability and pricing, or to discuss the delivery of bespoke training for your organisation, please contact us at enquiries@bluelightsdigital.com.

Drop us a line or give us a ring. We'd love to hear from you and are happy to answer any questions.

Roads Policing & Digital Capabilities – What does it mean to me?

2 days


This Blue Lights Digital (2-day) specific Roads Policing digital skills course is for officers and staff responsible for policing of the roads network to their specific opportunities and considerations with digital information.

Aligned to the NPCC strategy for SAFE, SECURE, SOCIAL & EFFICIENT policing of the roads, we will introduce meaningful opportunities for data acquisition and when to employ them as a menu of options.

Our course can be delivered stand-alone or integrated into existing Roads Policing courses.


  • Explain digital capabilities to improve Roads Policing effectiveness on the Fatal Four (or Five) offences
  • Demonstrate knowledge of options for digital capabilities
  • Identify when and how to use the suite of digital capabilities
  • Identify digital specialists & how they benefit your investigation

We pride ourselves on our ability to tailor any training to fit your needs, and we have experience in creating individualised programmes for a variety of audiences and organisations.

For details of availability and pricing, or to discuss the delivery of bespoke training for your organisation, please contact us at enquiries@bluelightsdigital.com.

Drop us a line or give us a ring. We'd love to hear from you and are happy to answer any questions.

Roads Policing Intelligence – An Introduction

2 days


Information and intelligence are essential to policing.  Roads Policing patrols are uniquely positioned to gather and act on intelligence.

This Blue Lights Digital (2-day) specific Roads Policing intelligence officers’ course is to build knowledge and skills for officers and staff who have an interest in developing and acting on intelligence.

Aligned to the NPCC strategy for SAFE, SECURE, SOCIAL & EFFICIENT policing of the roads, we will introduce what intelligence is, how to identify intelligence gaps and plans for meaningful action, considering the
risks and opportunities to build and deploy a menu of options.

This training is suitable for all staff involved in policing of the roads network to their specific opportunities and considerations with digital information.


  • Describe how to use the National Intelligence Model (NIM) to develop intelligence.    
  • Describe an awareness of local, force or regional priorities in line with the Fatal 4/ (5) offences 
  • Recognise the legislation relevant to the development and actioning of intelligence  
  • Develop a plan for collection and actioning in line with NPCC strategy SAFE, SECURE, SOCIAL and EFFICIENT 
  • Demonstrate an awareness of how intelligence may support the activities of other operational teams at Force or Region.  
  • Describe the disclosure and other considerations to be made when compiling an evidential bundle. 

We pride ourselves on our ability to tailor any training to fit your needs, and we have experience in creating individualised programmes for a variety of audiences and organisations.

For details of availability and pricing, or to discuss the delivery of bespoke training for your organisation, please contact us at enquiries@bluelightsdigital.com.

Drop us a line or give us a ring. We'd love to hear from you and are happy to answer any questions.

Technologies of the Metaverse Fundamentals

2 days

Technologies of the Metaverse Fundamentals​

An introduction to the technologies that are driving the next era of sociotechnical engagement in cyberspace, commonly termed the ‘Metaverse’.  This 2-day training is aimed at those who wish to unpack the related constituent elements, gain a clear understanding of current and near-future trends, and evaluate the landscape across which these technologies blend to provide use, opportunity, and outcome.

We pride ourselves on our ability to tailor any training to fit your needs, and we have experience in creating individualised programmes for a variety of audiences and organisations.

For details of availability and pricing, or to discuss the delivery of bespoke training for your organisation, please contact us at enquiries@bluelightsdigital.com.

Drop us a line or give us a ring. We'd love to hear from you and are happy to answer any questions.

Teel Tech Advanced Acquisition Vehicle Forensics

5 days

(This course is reserved for law enforcement, military and government only)

Teel Technologies Europe logo

This in-depth 5-day training will provide students with an elevated understanding of advanced acquisition and decoding techniques of data recovered from vehicle infotainment and navigation systems, as well as other electronic control units, using advanced data recovery and decoding techniques like Chip-off and ISP. The course curriculum consists of instructor lectures, hands-on demonstrations, and practical exercises. 


  • Overview of data stored in vehicles
  • Common OEM and aftermarket navigation and infotainment systems
  • Flash memory and its characteristics, identification of flash memory
  • Best practice methods and proper use of workbench gear and equipment
  • ISP/ Direct eMMC as a non-destructive advanced data extraction method
  • Chip Off as a destructive advanced data extraction method
  • Various hardware and software including Berla iVe, Medusa Pro II, UP828P, ATOLA, PC-3000
  • Automated data decoding using Berla iVe, the industry standard for vehicle forensics
  • Introduction of software applications to assist examiners with manual decoding of data for unsupported memory chips, file systems, files and unallocated data


  • The removal of memory chips from circuit boards and performing the non-destructive In-System Programming (ISP) to recover data for decoding
  • Demonstration of Chip-Off data acquisition techniques for vehicles and systems that may have been damaged due to collision,
    fire, or water damage.
  • Options to forensics examiners that go above and beyond the scope of the Berla iVe.

Drop us a line or give us a ring. We'd love to hear from you and are happy to answer any questions.

Teel Tech Advanced Flasher Box/ Bootloader

5 days

(This course is open to all forensic professionals)

Teel Tech Advanced Flasher Box-Bootloader
Teel Technologies Europe logo

In this 5-day Bootloader & Flasher Box Training, participants will gain an in-depth understanding of today’s most useful and effective flasher boxes and bootloader utilities to unlock and acquire mobile device memory. 

Applicable to both high-end Android devices, down to the low-end devices from manufacturers such as BLU and others that use the low-cost MediaTek and Chinese chipsets, such tools and techniques enable examiners to expand their options when addressing such devices. 


In the Flasher Box portion of the class, students will gain an overview of today’s best Flasher Box tools for lower-cost devices and install and use them to image devices. The TeelTech Flasher selection of today’s most useful boxes will be supplied for students to install and image devices. A complimentary collection of boxes will be provided for the students to take home with them after class.


In the bootloader part of the class, students learn how bootloaders are applied to access device partitions for unlock or bypass lock purposes. Lessons in using ADB Commands, identifying whether a phone has an FRP lock and how to bypass it, and using CWM and TWRP to unlock a device, access memory and image the device.

Students will perform a variety of practical exercises using both the take-home boxes, as well as the Octoplus Box. For this reason, we request students bring their own computers to better understand the often challenging installation procedures of the boxes.

Drop us a line or give us a ring. We'd love to hear from you and are happy to answer any questions.

Teel Tech Board Level Repair

5 days

(This course is open to all forensic professionals)

Teel Tech Board Level Repair
Teel Technologies Europe logo

This training was developed with the ever-changing field of digital forensics in mind. No longer can we rely on just commercial tools and automated processes. Now more than ever, it is important to be able to diagnose inoperable devices and perform device repairs at the board level so we can obtain our data extractions.


  • Equipment and resources
  • Knowledge of printed circuit boards
  • Recognition of surface mount components (SMCs)
  • How SMCs work and how SMCs fail
  • Precision soldering techniques
  • Fixing/repairing previous mistakes
  • How to properly use a digital multimeter and oscilloscope
  • Trace and pad repair
  • Reballing


  • Water damage repair
  • How to properly use a digital multimeter
  • Familiarity and use of an oscilloscope
  • Basic component repair
  • Complex board repair
  • Device specific common troubleshooting
  • Troubleshooting non-functioning devices
  • Reading schematics
  • What to do when you do not have schematics as a reference.

Through a combination of lectures and hands-on practicals, students will learn indispensable diagnosis skills, troubleshooting resources, and the latest repair techniques utilising state-of-the-art equipment. All students will leave with course content PDFs, our Repair Guide, and the Board Level Repair Kit used in class, as well as priceless tips. This course will also teach you when the data
is unrecoverable. 

Although this course will follow a specific program, content is subject to change depending on student interest and inquiries, as well as any breakthrough digital forensics techniques.

Drop us a line or give us a ring. We'd love to hear from you and are happy to answer any questions.

Teel Tech Chip-off Forensics 2.0 (with certification)

5 days

(This course is reserved for law enforcement, military and government only)

Teel Technologies Europe logo

Teel Tech Chip-Off 2.0 with Certification offers students a comprehensive look at the forensic processes performed on memory chips used in today’s mobile and digital devices.

In the NEW version 2.0 of this training, we’ll explore brand new techniques, including handling new types of Flash Memory. Delegates are provided with an in-depth powerpoint to take home as a reference as well as clear concise videos of the process they are taught.


  • Chip-off introduction
  • Chip-off heat process
  • Characteristics of flash memory
  • UP828 and UFS programmers
  • Reballing BGA chips
  • Non-heat milling of BGA chips (removal)
  • Non-heat polishing of BGA chips (removal)
  • eMMC boxes and alternative reading tools
  • Package on package chip removal

This 5-day training consists of hands-on, practical, and theory presentations, that encompass proper and safe chip removal and data extraction.  All students receive a Certificate of Attendance, the opportunity to take the TCFC certification test, and a Teel Tech Chip-Off Forensic Certification Diploma upon successful completion.

Drop us a line or give us a ring. We'd love to hear from you and are happy to answer any questions.

Teel Tech Essential Smartphone Forensics

5 days

(This course is open to all forensic professionals)

Teel Tech Essential Smartphone Forensics
Teel Technologies Europe logo

This 5-day Essential Smartphone Forensics training is designed for digital forensic investigators who have had some introduction to mobile forensics and would like to delve deeper or anyone who has encountered a situation where the tools they use are not getting them the data they need.

This class is designed to provide an in-depth practical understanding of mobile device capabilities and components, as well as their file system and native application artefacts. Students will learn simple repair techniques and utilise open-source tools to extract smartphone data via hands-on exercises. Students will also learn techniques and strategies for using open-source tools to supplement and corroborate the results obtained with their mobile forensics tool(s) of choice.

From evidence handling to testimony preparation, this class aims to give examiners the knowledge and skills they need to perform detailed forensic analyses and testify with confidence to their results.


  • Device hardware/firmware/software
  • Extraction types
  • Simple repairs (screen replacements,
    cable-connected components)
  • Android and iOS structures and artefacts
  • Forensic tools and open-source tools


  • Application and malware analysis, including APP-emulation
  • Using python and SQLite with forensic tools
  • Data verification considerations and methods
  • Courtroom testimony

Although this course will follow a specific program, content is subject to change depending on student interest and inquiries, as well as any breakthrough digital forensics techniques. This course will also teach you when the data is unrecoverable.

Drop us a line or give us a ring. We'd love to hear from you and are happy to answer any questions.

Teel Tech JTAG 2.0 Forensics (with certification)

5 days

(This course is open to all forensic professionals)

Teel Tech JTAG 2.0 Forensics
Teel Technologies Europe logo

In the new Teel Tech 5-day JTAG 2.0 Forensics Course, students learn the latest techniques for accessing mobile devices using the JTAG technique for data recovery and device unlocking. 

JTAG 2.0 certificationThe newly designed course incorporates the new Teel Tech JTAG Forensic Certification ”TJFC” test, as an option for students. 

All students receive a Certificate of Attendance, and those who pass the practical examination successfully will earn their TJFC.


JTAG can help us get into these phones:

  • Locked Android cell phones with USB Debugging turned off
  • Locked Windows phones
  • Locked proprietary OS phones
  • Physical memory acquisition
  • Damaged or broken phones


  • Password recovery on newer devices
  • Delegates learn on both a z3X and Riff box
  • Information on new equipment
  • Disassembly and assembly of devices
  • Extensive soldering lessons using Molex Adapters
  • Identify the test access points (TAPs) using various means including the supplied Z3X Box
  • eMMC Reads – Working directly with eMMC partitions on live phones to save only the data you need
  • Production of a physical dump of a locked/disabled USB Android phone, identification of the password, and restoring user data using your forensics tools


  • Utilising python scripts for recovering pattern/pin locks. Introductory information using open-source scripts
  • Delegates are provided with multiple devices to perform JTAG examinations
  • The final Practical Exam to Earn the Teel JTAG Forensic Certification ”TJFC” consists of a fully assembled locked device that students disassemble, perform the JTAG acquisition to acquire the raw data, and retrieve the pattern lock
  • Delegates reassemble the device, power up and unlock the device with the acquired pattern lock code

Drop us a line or give us a ring. We'd love to hear from you and are happy to answer any questions.

Vehicle Data Acquisition & Analysis

1 day

This 1-day Vehicle Data Acquisition & Analysis course equips the investigator with an understanding of vehicle data; how to acquire and analyse it, to assist Law Enforcement in identifying investigative opportunities arising from vehicle data.

Vehicles can be a critical source of investigative data.  Learn how and why vehicles generate data, what types of data can be recovered, where the data can be found and who can assist you in accessing it.


  • Summarise how vehicles generate data
  • Explain the different terminology used to describe vehicle data
  • Evaluate the different types of data available
  • Identify where vehicle data may reside
  • Describe the different tools & techniques that can be used to recover data from a vehicle
  • Explain the value of the BERLA iVe Forensic Tool to an Investigator
  • Use appropriate legal processes to obtain data from Vehicle Manufacturers
  • Illustrate to Investigators how Vehicle Apps can be a vital source of information
  • Recognise the value of vehicle keys to an investigation
  • Express the value of third-party devices to an investigation.

We pride ourselves on our ability to tailor any training to fit your needs, and we have experience in creating individualised programmes for a variety of audiences and organisations.

For details of availability and pricing, or to discuss the delivery of bespoke training for your organisation, please contact us at enquiries@bluelightsdigital.com.

Drop us a line or give us a ring. We'd love to hear from you and are happy to answer any questions.

Wi-Fi Router Investigation

1 day
City & Guilds Assured

The Wi-Fi Router Investigation programme is suitable for staff who may attend crime scenes to identify evidence of activity, including crime scene investigators, Digital Media Investigators (DMIs), sex offender managers, and dedicated search team staff.


This training is City & Guilds Assured

This learning activity has been recognised and assured by City & Guilds, global leaders in learning excellence and quality.  The Assured benchmark is the training quality standards that City & Guilds has developed with industry experts and is made up of their five core components (and optional where applicable). They also recognise both face-to-face and digital learning, assessed or non-assessed training – and training in local languages.


  • Demonstrate the relevance of router investigations in Policing.
  • Discuss some of the common myths about router investigation.
  • Describe the basic formats of IP addressing.
  • Identify various types of Hardware.
  • Recognise different forms of Router security.
  • Recognise the different wi-fi identifiers.
  • Locate and interpret DHCP tables.
  • Identify currently connected devices.
  • Interpret historic log files.
  • Discuss the significance of wi-fi surveys and other investigative opportunities.

We pride ourselves on our ability to tailor any training to fit your needs, and we have experience in creating individualised programmes for a variety of audiences and organisations.

For details of availability and pricing, or to discuss the delivery of bespoke training for your organisation, please contact us at enquiries@bluelightsdigital.com.

Drop us a line or give us a ring. We'd love to hear from you and are happy to answer any questions.


Our training team have a breadth of subject knowledge and extensive Digital Investigation experience on many high profile and complex cases.

Mark Laing

Technical Intelligence Director
and Head of Training

Mark is a former police detective, having served Lancashire Constabulary for eighteen years.

Combining his vast experience of major investigations and covert tactics with his deep understanding of technology, he can advise and consult on complex cases involving all types of digital evidence.

Mark has a number of qualifications relating to cryptocurrency investigation: C4 Certified Bitcoin Professional, Chainalysis CRC and CISC, and developed our City & Guilds Assured training in the subject. He also carries Ethical Hacking certification from the EC-Council  (C:EH) and is a City & Guilds Accredited RFPS Technician.

Paul Cook

Paul Cook

Digital Forensic Lead
and Technical Service Officer

Paul is one of the UK’s leading mobile device examiners. He has specialised in the digital investigation of counter-terrorist activity, has an MSC in Forensic Computing and Cybercrime Investigation and is also IACIS certified.

Paul’s knowledge of the use of all digital forensic laboratory tools is widely respected particularly in the use of the HancomWith suite.

Paul’s speciality and passion is the Extraction and Analysis of Mobile phone data. He has extensive experience in various extraction techniques such as ISP, Chip-off, Custom recovery and the use of other tools which are available to today’s forensic investigators.


Take a look at what some of our clients have said about us:

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Drop us a line or give us a ring. We'd love to hear from you and are happy to answer any questions.

    Police Industry Charter Signatory
    Cyber essentials Certified
    GDPR Certified

    The Officers Mess Business Centre, Duxford, Cambridgeshire,
    CB22 4QH

    (+44) 01223 919607

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